Know your Institution  

Collecting data within your institution will provide the sound basis needed for the definition of GEP best tailored to the issues to be tackled.

2 Stages: Gender Audit and Gender Diagnostics

Gender Audit

1. Contextualising the institution’s gender equality policy.

  • Reviewing national and institutional agendas, policies, procedures and practices, as well as European recommendations.

2. Gatering Primary Data.

  • Using qualitative methods, such interviews and focus group.
  • Using quantitative methods, such as online survey designed to explicit both closed (quantitative) and open-ended (qualitative) responses.

  • Consider the objectives of the GEP in your institution when deciding which items, e.g. career paths, working environments and work-life balance issues, you should include as themes in the questionnaires and interview/ focus group questions.

Gender Diagnostics

Conducting a gender diagnostic of your institution by:

1. Gathering sex-disaggregated data.

2. Create a database of governing and student bodies, contract type and status of academic/research staff, recruitment, promotions, leavers, gender pay gap, uptake of work-life balance provision, maternity/adoption leave, external research funding applications and success rates;

3. Undertake a quantitative analysis of institutional secondary data.

  • Contact your Human Resources and Quality Assurance departments/Research Evaluation unit, and ask for the available gender-disaggregated data;
  • Contact the national statistics authorities and ask for available official gender-disaggregated data which represent the national benchmark;
  • Consider international statistical definitions when collecting HR data for small units, such as laboratories, faculties, schools or research units.
 Create Your Network  

Establish links between your institution and implementation teams with peer organisations that have already implemented GEPs.

Identify and engage with Higher Education and Research Institutions to benchmark best practice initiatives and exchange experience.

Building External and Internal Networks for Benchmarking in 4 stages.

1. Identify Institutions and Indvidual Key Actors that have relevant experience according to your needs and have demonstrated best practices, results (e.g. a successful mentoring programme for women academics) or broader, holistic programmes of institutional transformation.

2. Make Contact: arranging (two-way) visits and Exchanges of Experience involving internal players/team.

3. Form Strategic Alliances: appointing individual Ambassadors and forming strategic alliance with partner institutions.

4. Capitalising on Partnerships/benchmarking through: training; leading discussions; public lectures; providing institutional support.

  • Information and updates should be shared so that every stakeholder may be alerted on potentially useful contacts and organisations.
 Design your Action Plan   

Construct tailored GEP based on the findings of the baseline data assessment, and taking into account inputs from Experts and Ambassadors.

Defining the GEP

All 5 SAGE implementing institutions (ISCTE-IUL, IUS, KHAS, SCiPo, and UNIBS) have succeeded in defining comprehensive pluriannual GEPs tailored to their institution’s organisation, culture and needs, with specificities that were identified through a detailed baseline data assessment.

Each partner has drawn up a SAGE Wheel version presenting the Planned Actions under its GEP. Click here. These GEPs have been successfully implemented around four main themes which are the fundamental dimensions of the SAGE Wheel Model:

  • Engendering Knowledge
  • Career Progression
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Instutional Governance
> Take a look at the GEPs of SAGE Partners

  • Information and updates should be shared so that every stakeholder may be alerted on potentially useful contacts and organisations.